The truth is…

Fighters value hard work above all else…

But you CAN’T out train a bad diet.

Most fighters wing it when it comes to nutrition, spoiling their training efforts, and are frustrated at their lack of progress either in…

  • Getting in shape and becoming a healthier, leaner, more athletic fighter

  • Recovering from training and converting their training effort into a more explosive, relentless performance

  • Making a truly competitive fight weight, and returning to full physical and cognitive capacity before climbing into the ring or cage

Although, to achieve all these things:

  • Training (fighting skill, strength and conditioning) and Recovery (sleep, rest, ) are both crucial, however…

  • Nutrition (fuelling performance, recovery, and body composition) is the essential, third factor at the foundation of your fight performance stack.


Turning up 100% on fight day requires nutritional tactics that are beyond the average fighter.

Making a life-long change to your year-round performance is just a matter of learning how to eat like a professional and removing the guesswork, so you can perform better than ever before.

If you don’t fuel for your goals, you’ll fail to meet them.

Your fuelling is unique to you, which is why so many people fail to meet aesthetic appearance goals, let alone athletic performance goals

And will certainly NEVER make a competitive class and perform well in a fight.

Working with a professional fight nutritionist not only removes the confusion, focusing effort only on what matters and when, but personalises your nutrition to suit your lifestyle and competitive schedule.

You get both the right fuel mix and fuel quantity to reach your health, fitness, physique, and athletic performance goals.

You both look like a fighter, and deliver the knockout performance to match.

But this kind of specialist support is beyond the budget of most fighters.

And I can only look after so many 1-1 clients at one time…

If I’m fully booked when you need help, well that’s that!

Not a great feeling when you’re ready get going now, and much worse if you have a fight date in your calendar.

To solve this problem, we’ve teamed up with Muay Thai performance specialist, Don Heatrick, to get you the results you want — both inside and outside of the ring or cage.

Don Heatrick - Muay Thai Performance Specialist

We spent 15 months focused on converting my entire 121 nutrition coaching system, programming, and thought processes into this comprehensive Fighter Nutrition Course…

Everything you need to know about fighter nutrition, taught to you.

The Fighter Nutrition Course is one of a kind…

You’ll learn how to take the stress out of dieting and making weight forever, and always turn up at 100% on fight day.

Until now, nothing came close to providing fighters with the information and tools required to independently optimise nutrition for improved performance, energy, body composition, and long-term health.

The Fighter Nutrition Course is designed specifically for fighters of all levels, from fight enthusiasts to professionals, who are looking to take their nutrition to the next level.

As both a fighter and an experienced and qualified nutrition professional, I understand the unique needs and challenges that fighters face when it comes to nutrition.

And this course is tailored to address these needs and provide practical solutions.

In addition to our comprehensive course curriculum, you will also have access to exclusive resources and tools, including meal plans, recipes, and supplement recommendations.

You will learn how to:

  • Properly fuel your body for optimal energy and performance during training and competition

  • Make weight safely and effectively without sacrificing muscle mass or performance

  • Recover properly after training and competition to support muscle growth and repair

  • Maximise your nutrition for long-term health and wellness

  • Avoid common nutrition mistakes that can negatively impact your performance and health

  • Develop personalised nutrition plans that meet your specific needs and goals

Hello! I’m James.

I’m the course creator and I’ll be guiding you through step-by-step.

Early in my own fight career, I put a lot of effort into my diet.

Despite this, I didn’t get great results. This was because my effort was misdirected. I was majoring in the minors.

I created this course to help fighters avoid the same mistakes and get maximum return on investment for their efforts.

I provide straightforward, effective guidance to help you stop rolling the dice on your performance and to get on the most direct path to your goals, without wasting any time.

That’s exactly what you’ll get inside my Fighter Nutrition Course.

Everything I’ve developed and proven with fighters of all levels around the world through my 1-1 nutrition coaching.

Here’s what a few of them have to say…

This is the MOST COMPREHENSIVE combat sports nutrition course there is.

With this information, you’ll be able to tailor your nutrition to your primary goals all 52 weeks of the year.

Fighter Nutrition Course

The only nutrition system designed specifically for fighters, providing them with the step-by-step process to manage all aspects of their nutrition in every phase of their training and competition, including:

    1. Goals Of Phase 1

    2. Calorie intake

    3. Fluid Balance

    4. Protein

    5. Carbohydrate

    6. Fat

    7. Micronutrients & Dietary Fibre

    8. Supplements

    9. Troubleshooting

    10. Written Summary

    11. Year-Round Nutrition Calculator

    12. Meal Plans

    1. Goals of Phase 2

    2. Choosing Your Weight Class

    3. Planning Your Weight Decent

    4. Adjusting Your Weight Descent

    5. Fight Camp Nutrition Programming

    6. Refeeds and Diet Breaks

    7. Hydration, Sweat Rates, and Heat Acclimation

    8. Female Athlete Considerations

    9. Immunity

    10. Written Summary

    11. Fight Camp Calculator

    12. Fight Camp Meal Plans

    1. Intro and Goals

    2. Weight Cut Strategies and Risk Levels

    3. Weight Cut Strategies Deep Dive (Day Before WI)

    4. Weight Cut Strategies Deep Dive (Same Day WI)

    5. Fight Week Timelines

    6. Fight Week Foods and Meals

    7. Sample Meal Plans

    8. Testing, Female Athletes, and Creatine

    9. Travel Tips

    10. Water Cut Guidance

    11. Weight Cut Summary

    12. Written Summary

    13. Weight Cut Calculator

    14. Day Before Weigh In Meal Plans

    15. Same Day Weigh In Meal Plans

    1. Post-Weigh-In Goals

    2. Rehydration Drink Recipes

    3. Calculating Your Needs

    4. Post-Weigh-In Foods

    5. Example Recovery Plans

    6. Tournament Guidance

    7. Refuel Summary

    8. Written Summary

    9. Refuel Calculator

    10. Recovery Meal Plans

    1. Intro and Goals

    2. Weight Cycling

    3. My Approach vs Common Approaches

    4. Reverse Dieting vs My Approach

    5. Post Fight Diet Break

    6. Post Fight Transition Diet

    7. Calculating Post Fight Calories

    8. Finding Maximum Maintenance

    9. Post Fight Examples

    10. Being a 52-week Athlete and Summary

    11. Written Summary

    12. Post Fight Calculator

    13. Post Fight Meal Plans

Click on the Nutrition Phases above to discover all the steps within each one.

“I suffered an absolutely devastating loss…it was a first round TKO.”

This is a situation no fighter wants to ever experience. For Maddie, this was her turning point. She knew something needed to change if her Muay Thai career was going to pan out the way she’d hoped.

This led her to making “the best investment” she’s ever made: joining the FNC.

She realised that she had been under-eating and under-weight, and not focusing on the one thing that really matters…performance. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case. Through the FNC and her own hard work, Maddie is now:

  • The healthiest, most energised, and strongest version of herself.

  • Reaching her goals with minimal effort.

  • Making weight easily.

  • Experiencing game-changing energy improvements during training.

  • Improving skills faster and enjoying training much more.

If you’re ready to make a permanent change to the trajectory of your fight career, we’d love to help you.

What Our FNC Members Have To Say…

Satisfaction Guarantee

We have so much confidence in the value contained within this course, that we’re offering a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

Simply put, if you join the course and decide that you’re not satisfied just let us know within 30 days, and you will receive a full refund.

In other words, you’ve got absolutely nothing to lose!

Join the course now…






3x £129.99




6x £69.99



Choose your preferred payment option and enjoy lifetime access to the program without any recurring fees.

Make a single payment or split it into convenient instalments – either way, once paid, it’s yours forever.

Click the button below to make your payment:


  • We completely understand. It’s tough to be a fighter. It’s rarely a money sport, and you’ve got other bills to cover, including your training, food, rent, and all your other life expenses.

    We’ve been in this boat ourselves. Many pro fighters don’t make a huge amount of money in this sport.

    So we’ve made this as cost-efficient as possible, to allow dedicated fighters to get all the benefits of a personal nutritionist, without the massive price tag that comes with working with someone in person.

    And not only do you get full access to all the course modules, instructional videos, calculation tools, and meal plans for life…

    This system is also designed to significantly contribute to every fighter’s “performance stack”, providing improving recovery and providing raw materials to reduce injury or heal quicker.

    By following this program you will significantly fortify your body, and are likely to spend much less money fixing injuries in the long run.

    There are cashflow-friendly monthly instalment payment plans for those who can’t afford full payment straight away, but are committed to joining the course and optimising their nutrition to meet their goals.

  • Once you’ve paid in full, you have lifetime access to the Fight Nutrition Course and all future upgrades and improvements. So there’s no rush to get started, you can work through the course and implement the nutritional tactics and strategies whenever you need them.

  • This course is suitable for anyone who trains in a combat sport and wants to improve their health, performance, and body composition.

    This course covers all aspects of nutrition as it relates to combat sports performance. There is an entire phase with over 1 hour of content breaking down your Year-round Nutrition, to achieve your health, performance, and body composition goals as a combat sports practitioner.

    In addition to this, the Fight Camp phase is ideal for setting up a fat loss diet and timeline, whilst preserving performance to the highest degree. Whether or not you have a fight at the end of the timeline is irrelevant, the outcome is a reduction in body fat and maintenance of muscle mass, without sacrificing performance in the gym. Who wouldn’t want that?!

    Finally, the Post-fight phase will help support your transition away from fat loss towards maintaining your new healthy weight in a controlled and structured manner, rather than continually yoyoing as many dieters end up doing.

    It’s only the Weight Cut and Refuel phases that would be less relevant if you don’t plan to fight. I would argue that the value contained within every single module is worth the entire course fee alone, and as a non-fighter, you can apply everything from the year-round performance, fight camp, and post-fight modules. Plus, if you ever do decide to step in the ring…your weight cut and refuel are already sorted as a bonus!

  • In short, yes. The information provided can be tailored to suit your dietary requirements. The course is set up in a flexible way that doesn’t require you to eat exact, specific foods.

    Rather than only providing meal plans, which are very limited, I teach you the theory behind the inclusion of each food. In addition, I provide a range of example foods that fit these criteria. This means you can choose to include or swap any foods that fit within your dietary requirements and preferences.

    This course covers both the principles and methods you need to achieve your health, performance, and body composition goals; so, it can be tailored to any style of eating.

  • I’m a big proponent of individualised nutrition. Simply put, cookie-cutter approaches rarely work out when it comes to nutrition. For this reason, it was essential that I was able to provide the ability to personalise your nutrition within this course. This is achieved via two means:

    #1. Detailed calculators that use your personal data to individualise nutrition recommendations to your exact requirements, for every single phase.

    #2. Education on the underlying theory (principles) behind the methods. You will know exactly what to do, but you’ll also understand why you’re doing it.

    This knowledge will allow you to pick your preferred method (e.g., choosing to include chicken, beef, yoghurt, lentils, etc. in your diet) that adheres to the principle (e.g., consuming adequate protein).

    Where possible, I also give ranged recommendations and explanations when there’s room for flexibility within these principles.

  • Every phase contains a number of example meal plans. The purpose of these is to translate my nutrition recommendations into full days of eating, to give you a starting point to build out from and to help reduce decision fatigue.

    If you just want to know what to eat, you have these to work from as a “built-for-you” starting point. But, you’ll also have the education to tweak and adjust these meal plans to suit your preferences and needs, whilst still staying on track towards your goals.

  • This course is not appropriate for those with a diagnosed eating disorder. If you have previously been diagnosed with an eating disorder, then I recommend you work 1-on-1 with a healthcare professional who is suitably qualified to support within this realm.

  • No. This course is not a qualification that allows you to become an insurable, practicing nutritionist. That is a much longer, more expensive process and requires an in-depth understanding of nutrition science.

    If you are interested in becoming a fully qualified nutritionist, I (James) studied with Mac Nutrition Uni. They are hands down the best option outside of a university degree (and many would argue is even superior to). You can read more about becoming a qualified nutritionist here.

    If you decide to sign up to MNU after clicking that link, I will get a £150 kickback. If you enter the code “MNUfriend” at the checkout, YOU will also get £100 off your enrolment fee.

Join the course now…






3x £129.99




6x £69.99



Choose your preferred payment option and enjoy lifetime access to the program without any recurring fees.

Make a single payment or split it into convenient instalments – either way, once paid, it’s yours forever.

Click the button below to make your payment:


If you’re ready to stop winging it, start eating like a professional athlete, and make a life-long change to your year-round performance for a fraction of the price of hiring a nutritionist, then click the button below.