How To Make Dieting Suck Less

In this discussion, we'll explore five key strategies aimed at making your dieting journey a lot smoother. These strategies are applicable whether you're preparing for a fight, aiming to shed some body fat, or simply looking to improve your overall body composition.

1. Rate of Weight Loss: The speed at which you lose weight is crucial. Ideally, aim for a weekly weight loss of 0.5% to 1% of your body weight. Going slower might lead to frustration due to slow progress, while going faster could leave you feeling constantly hungry and fatigued.

2. Food Volume: Focus on consuming foods that offer high volume with relatively low calories. Opt for lower-fat options and load up on fruits and vegetables, which provide satiety without packing on excessive calories. Making these simple swaps can help you feel fuller for longer while still maintaining a calorie deficit.

3. Preload Technique: Before meals, consider "preloading" with high-water or high-fiber foods that are low in calories. This could be as simple as drinking a large glass of water or having a low-calorie soup. By filling up on these voluminous foods beforehand, you're less likely to overeat during your main meal.

4. Meal Frequency: Reduce the frequency of your meals if you find yourself constantly unprepared or struggling with hunger. Aim for three to five balanced meals or feedings per day, spaced out every 5 to 6 hours. This allows for larger, more satisfying meals while minimizing the chances of overindulging due to frequent snacking.

5. Clear Goal and End Date: Set specific, measurable goals for your dieting journey and establish a clear end date. Having a concrete plan with milestones to strive for can help keep you motivated and focused. Additionally, plan for diet breaks along the way to give yourself mental and physical rest periods and prevent burnout.

Take Home Points:

  • Aim for a gradual weight loss of 0.5% to 1% of your body weight per week.

  • Prioritize high-volume, low-calorie foods to stay satiated while in a calorie deficit.

  • Preload meals with water or fibre-rich foods to curb hunger and prevent overeating.

  • Consider reducing meal frequency to simplify meal preparation and minimize snacking.

  • Set clear goals and establish an end date for your diet, incorporating breaks to maintain long-term adherence.

By implementing these strategies, you can make your dieting journey more manageable and increase your chances of long-term success. Don't forget to listen to the full podcast episode for a deeper dive into each strategy and consider taking advantage of additional resources for personalized nutrition guidance.


Remember, successful dieting isn't just about restricting calories—it's about finding a sustainable approach that works for you. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can navigate the challenges of dieting with greater ease and achieve your health and fitness goals more effectively.


EP16: How Worried Should I Be About My Sugar Intake? | Muay Thai Nutrition Podcast